Visit to Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh
Visit Tawang, consecrate Buddha statue.
December 4-11, 2013
Visit to Siddhatha Buddha Vihara Trust in Hiderabad
The Six times of five Boddha statues donation to Siddhatha Buddha Vihara Trust in Hiderabad.
February 2-4, 2013
Visit to Leh Ladakh
The warm welcome at the International Meditation Center and the consecrate of Buddha's relics and statues.
June 28-July 3, 2012
Visit to Changalang, Arunachal Pradesh
Visited and took part the Ceremony of Kathina Civara offering at Mahabodhi Daiyun temple.
November 4-6, 2011
Pilgrimage to Bodh Gaya
Visit Sri Maha Bodhi, consecrate Buddha statue to Namsai temple and meet Venerable Bodhirugkit at MahaBodhi temple.
November 1-13, 2011
Visit to Arunachal Pradesh and Maharaja
The casting Ceremony and donation of five Buddha statues including the big one to Buddhist temples.
Visit to Bangalore, Karnatakka state
The first time donation of the 14 Buddha statues to Mahabodhi Society.
September 23, 2009